Ask for Input Again Else Statement Python

In this python tutorial, you volition learn nearly Python ask for user input. Besides, we will check:

  • Python inquire for user input again
  • Python inquire for user input password
  • Python inquire the user for integer input
  • Python ask for user input yes no
  • Python ask the user for E-mail input
  • Python ask the user for multiple inputs
  • Python function inquire for user input
  • Python how to accept continuous input
  • Python ask the user for a string input
  • Python inquire the user for a file input

Input() is a method that reads each line entered by the input devices and converts them into a string and returns it.

Python enquire for user input

Now, we can see how the user ask for input in python.

In this example, I have taken two inputs equally A = int(input("enter 1st number")), B = int(input("enter 2nd number")) and used addition operation for the inputs.


          A = int(input("enter 1st number")) B = int(input("enter second number")) C = A + B impress(C)        

To get the sum of inputs as output, we have to utilize print(C). Below screenshot shows the output.

Python ask for user input
Python ask for user input

Read: Python NumPy linspace

Python ask for user input again

Here, we can run across how the user ask input once again in Python.

  • In this instance, I have taken input equally age = int(input("Enter age: ")) and the while loop. The while loop takes an expression and executes the loop trunk.
  • The while true always evaluates the boolean value true and executes the body of the loop infinity times. The try and except is used, endeavor is used to examination the block of code for errors and except block is used to handle the errors.
  • If the condition is true, it returns the if statement else it returns the else statement.
  • The keep statement is used to terminate the present iteration and keep with the next iteration.


          while Truthful:   try:     age = int(input("Enter historic period: "))      if age<=20:       impress("The age is correct")       suspension;     else:       print("The age is not correct")         except ValueError:     impress("Invalid")     continue        

The loop ends when the condition is true. I have used print("The age is right") when the given status is true. Y'all tin refer to the below screenshot for the output.

Python ask for user input again
Python enquire for user input again

Python ask for user input password

Here, we can see how the user enquire for the input password in python.

  • In this case, I have imported a module called getpass. This module provides a secure way to maintain the countersign.
  • The getpass() function in Python is used to prompt the user using the string prompt and read the input string every bit a password for the user.
  • The prompt string is the statement passed in the input() part.


          import getpass password = getpass.getpass() print('The password is', countersign)        

To impress the input countersign every bit output, I have used print('The countersign is', password). In the beneath screenshot you can see the output.

Python ask for user input password
Python enquire for user input password

Read: Python NumPy concatenate

Python ask the user for integer input

At present, nosotros tin can see how the user enquire for the integer input in python.

In this case, I accept taken the input as Number = int(input("Enter a number")). We accept to utilise int datatype for the integer input.


          Number = int(input("Enter a number")) print("The Number is",Number)        

To get the output, I have used print("The Number is",Number). You tin can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

Python ask the user for integer input
Python ask the user for integer input

Python inquire for user input yes no

Here, we can run into how the user ask for yep no input in python.

  • In this example, I take taken the input as chocolate = input("Practise you lot want chocolate").
  • I have used the if status, every bit the if chocolate == ("yes"): This means when the user enters the input every bit "yes" information technology prints ("Take It"), and also used the elif condition.
  • The elif chocolate == ("no"): if the user enters the input "no" it prints ("ok Give thanks yous").


          chocolate = input("Practice you lot want chocolate") if chocolate == ("yes"): 	print ("Have It") elif chocolate == ("no"): 	print ("Ok Thank you")        

To get the output, I have used print ("Have It") and print ("Ok Cheers"). The below screenshot shows the output.

Python ask for user input yes no
Python inquire for user input yep no

Python ask the user for E-mail input

Here, we can encounter how the user enquire for the Email input in python.

  • In this instance, I have taken the input as Email = input("Email ").
  • I have used a while loop to check whether @ is present in the input, if it is not present the while loop iterates until the condition is true.
  • The if condition is used to check "." is present in the given input. If both the weather are satisfied past the given input.


          Email = input("Email ") while "@" not in Email:     Email = input("This email address is non having '@' in information technology\nCheck it again: ")     if "." not in Email:         Email = input("This email address is not having '.' in it\ncheck it again: ") impress("The e-mail is valid")        

To impress the output, I have used print("The e-mail is valid"). The below screenshot shows the output.

email 1
Python ask the user for E-mail input

Python ask the user for multiple inputs

Hither, we can see how the user inquire for multiple inputs in python.

  • In this example, I take taken for variables as a,b,c,d and I have taken the input as a,b,c,d = input("Enter a four value: ").split().
  • The split() function is used to become multiple values for the user. The split() is breaking the input by a specified separator. If the separator is not specified whitespace acts equally a specifier.
  • Four input values are separated and assigned for each variable.


          a,b,c,d = input("Enter a 4 value: ").split() impress(a) impress(b) print(c) print(d)        

To print the variable, I have used print(a),print(b),print(c),print(d). In the below screenshot, you can come across the output such as the input value is split and assigned for each variable.

Python inquire the user for multiple inputs

Python function enquire for user input

Now, we tin can encounter how the office ask for user input in python.

A part is divers as a block of organized and reuseable code that performs the actions, python has built-in functions such as raw_input for python 2 and input() for python 3

In this example, I have taken an input equally a = input('pythonguides'). The built-in function input() is used here.


          a = input('pythonguides') print(a)        

To print the input value, I accept used print(a). You can refer to the beneath screenshot for the output.

Python function ask for user input
Python role ask for user input

Python how to have continuous input

Hither, we can see how to take continuous input in python.

  • In this example, I have taken for variables like a,b,c and I have taken the input every bit a,b,c=map(int,input("enter the numbers").dissever(','))
  • The separate() function is used to get the continuous input values for the user. The split up() function is breaking the input by a specified separator. If the separator is not specified whitespace acts as a specifier. Here, I have used the ',' separator.
  • The input values are separated and assigned to each variable. The map() office is used to return the list of values.


          a,b,c=map(int,input("enter the numbers").split(',')) print(a) print(b) print(c)        

To print the variable, I have used print(a),print(b),impress(c). In the below screenshot, you can run across the output such as the input value is split and assigned for each variable. And also I take used the ',' separator while entering the input value.

Python how to take continuous input
Python how to have continuous input

Python ask the user for a string input

Here, we can how the user ask for a string input in python.

  • In this case, I accept taken two inputs every bit Name = input("Enter student Name "), Marks = input("Enter marks ") and impress("\n") is to become each cord input in the new line. The entered input values are assigned for variables Proper noun and Marks.


          Name = input("Enter student Proper noun ") Marks = input("Enter marks ") print("\northward") print(Proper noun, Marks)        

To print the variable I have used print(Proper noun, Marks). The Below screenshot shows the output.

Python ask the user for a string input
Python ask the user for a string input

Python enquire the user for a file input

Now, we can encounter how the user ask for a file input in python.

  • In this example, I accept taken an input as file = input("Enter the Filename: ") and I have used the separate() function.
  • The split() function is breaking the input by a specified separator. If the separator is non specified whitespace acts every bit a specifier.
  • Here, I have used the '.' separator and is used to split function to split the input into filename and extension.
  • The max dissever [-1] is used, [-1] represents there is no limit for the number of splits.


          file = input("Enter the Filename: ") extension = file.split(".") impress ("The extension is: " + (extension[-ane]))                  

To get the output as extension, I have used impress ("The extension is: " + (extension[-1])). You can refer to the beneath screenshot for the output.

Python ask the user for a file input
Python enquire the user for a file input

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In this Python tutorial, we have learned almost the Python ask for the user input. Also, We covered these below topics:

  • Python ask for user input again
  • Python inquire for user input password
  • Python ask the user for integer input
  • Python ask for user input yes no
  • Python ask the user for Email input
  • Python ask the user for multiple inputs
  • Python function ask for user input
  • Python how to accept continuous input
  • Python ask the user for a string input
  • Python ask the user for a file input


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